Entries tagged with github

Go Release Binary GitHub Action

I’ve published Go Release Binary Action on GitHub Marketplace.

Go Release Binary Action on GitHub Marketplace

This GitHub Action builds and uploads Go build artifacts as Release Artifacts automatically when Release was created on GitHub repository.

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Wiplock - Protect main branch from in-progress branches


I released Wiplock that protects main branch from pull requests that contains WIP in the title or incompleted tasks.


Wiplock is an OSS built with Go and React + Redux. Please take a look if you’re interested in.


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GitHub Notifications for Google Chrome

I created a chrome extension to check GitHub Notifications in toolbar icon.

This displays unread count and lists unread notifications in popup.

GitHub Repository: ngs/github-notifications-crx

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iGist v1.2 - The Gist Client for iPhone, iPad

I just released new version of iGist - The Gist Client

I rebuilt the app for iOS 6, optimized for iPhone 5’s 4 inch screen and supported Share on Facebook.

This requires iOS 6 or later, supports both iPhone and iPad.

Released Gist Plugin for Coda 2


This plug-in allows you to create public and private gists from current active document.


Released iGist - The Gist Client for iPhone, iPad


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