Debugging Coda Plug-In with LLDB


  1. Open Edit Scheme window (⌘<).
  2. Select Run pane from side bar.
  3. In Info tab, select Coda from Executable dropdown.
  4. Click the OK button to close the window.
  5. Select your your plug-in target.
  6. Select Build Settings tab, click Add Build Setting, select Add User-Defined Setting and set name as INSTALL_BUNDLE, value as 1 for Debug configuration.
  7. Switch to Build Phase tab, click Add Build Phase button and select Add Run Script
  8. Copy and paste the script bellow.
if [ $INSTALL_BUNDLE == 1 ]; then
  DEST="$USER_LIBRARY_DIR/Application Support/Coda 2/Plug-ins/$FULL_PRODUCT_NAME"
  rm -rf "$DEST"
  mv "$ORG" "$DEST"

Now you can debug with your LLDB console, enjoy!

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