Go Release Binary GitHub Action

I’ve published Go Release Binary Action on GitHub Marketplace.

Go Release Binary Action on GitHub Marketplace

This GitHub Action builds and uploads Go build artifacts as Release Artifacts automatically when Release was created on GitHub repository.

GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions is provided as Limited Public Beta now (8th, Feb, 2019). You can start using this feature by signing up from the below page.


How to Use


Place .workflow file like the below. The workflow builds and uploads build artifacts from referencing commit when new Release was created using GitHub Releases feature.

# .github/main.workflow

workflow "Build" {
  on = "release"
  resolves = [
    "release darwin/amd64",
    "release windows/amd64",
    "release linux/amd64",

action "release darwin/amd64" {
  uses = "ngs/go-release.action@v1.0.0"
  env = {
    GOOS = "darwin"
    GOARCH = "amd64"
  secrets = ["GITHUB_TOKEN"]

action "release windows/amd64" {
  uses = "ngs/go-release.action@v1.0.0"
  env = {
    GOOS = "windows"
    GOARCH = "amd64"
  secrets = ["GITHUB_TOKEN"]

action "release linux/amd64" {
  uses = "ngs/go-release.action@v1.0.0"
  env = {
    GOOS = "linux"
    GOARCH = "amd64"
  secrets = ["GITHUB_TOKEN"]