CI2Go Today widget support

I’ve just released version 2.1.0 of CI2Go, the CircleCI client for iPhone and iPad.

v2.1.0 contains the following:

Today widget

You can add CI2Go widget to Today view. This shows recent 5 builds of selected project/branch or your following projects.

SSH connect

SSH section will be shown while running SSH enabled builds if you installed SSH client which supports ssh:// URI scheme such as Panic’s Prompt.

Launches SSH client when row of container was selected.

Delete local artifacts

You can delete downloaded build artifacts from trash can icon which appears by swiping table rows left.

Open application by URL

CI2Go now handles URI schemes: chttps://, ci2go://, ci2go+https://.

You can open CI2Go by replacing or prefixing protocol part of CircleCI build URL like: to ci2go://

Send me issues if you have any.